MPEA Gymnastics

Virtual Activity Resources

Virtual Activities can be delivered as a #PersonalChallenge and Intra-school competition

#PersonalChallenge is a student driven/self-led opportunity to help to increase activity levels and improve performance. They can take place both at school and beyond the school day. How a pupil goes about choosing what challenges they want to take on could be personal to them or the result of a regular daily, weekly personal event that provides motivation.

Fire up your student’s imagination, create your own or choose from some of the #PersonalChallenge HERE

An intra-school competition is a sporting activity taking place between pupils who attend the same school. For example, this can be in the form of a class vs. class or house activity. These competitions could culminate in an annual School Games Day, or Sports Day, to celebrate a school’s sporting success. More information is here.

Virtual Activity resources are HERE

Using Competition to Support Transition. From here you can download the Using Competition to Support Transition toolkit  & the planning process guide. Click on any of the attached documents to get started.

A local inter-school competition is a sporting activity taking place between schools from the same area. Some of these competitions act as qualifiers for county finals. As a virtual competition we ask you to deliver the event in school and send us your results, which are then compared to other schools’ results to create an inter school competition or league.

For more information and to enter the Inter Schools Manchester Competition please click here